Live Recording Technique

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Hardware: Fostex VF160 Digital Multi-track recorder
Vocals: Direct box from PA speaker output, stereo output patched directly into Fostex
Lead Guitar: Amp line out patched directly into Fostex
Rhythm Guitar #1: Split signal at guitar source, one patch to amp, one patch directly to Fostex
Rhythm Guitar #2: Mic in front of amp, patched to Fostex
Bass: Split signal at source, one patch to amp, one patch directly to Fostex
Drums: Electronic drums stereo line output patched directly to Fostex
Harp: Mic in front of amp, patched to Fostex
Guest Lead Guitar: Mic in front of amp, patched to Fostex
Engineered live by George Ciuzio
Mixed and mastered directly on Fostex with only EQ, gain and reverb over-dubs, no punching and no other effects processing

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