What Is An Outlier, Anyway?
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Whenever someone approaches us at a gig, the following conversation usually ensues: |
  | Person: Hey, you guys are really great. Blah blah, blah blah diddy blah... |
  | Outlier: Thank you. |
  | Person: What's the name of your band? |
  | Outlier: The Outliers. |
  | Person: The what? |
  | Outlier: The Outliers |
  | Person: The Outliners? |
  | Outlier: No, The Outliers. |
  | Person: What's an Outlier? |
  | Outlier: Well... |
  | So, here's what an Outlier is (not that we want to appear too geeky, but): |
  | An Outlier is a statistical term. It refers to observations in a distribution of data that deviates so much from the other observations as to arouse suspicions that it was generated by a different mechanism, and therefore discarding of the observations might be considered. (Here's a graphical representation of what this means.) |
  | So, how did we come to call ourselves The Outliers? |
  | Well, we were sitting around after rehearsing one night trying to come up with a name for the band. We came up with all sorts of crazy things - The Logarythms 2, The Log Jam (which we actually used for a year or two), The Mississippi Log Jam, The Frogs (Four Rockin' Old Guys), Rubber Band. We just kept throwing names around, and having a miserable time doing it. As David once said, "You know, one of my least favorite pastimes is sitting around trying to name a band." |
  | Well, while all this was going on, Joel and Mark were working on a particularly tricky assignment for one of our financial services clients. We were working with Dr. Richard Columbo from Fordham University on, what else, developing a system to detect outliers in financial data. Mark was spending the better part of his days on this project, living, thinking and breathing - OUTLIERS! Finally, it hit them, why not just call ourselves The Outliers? It kind of fits (we thought in self-deprecating fashion) - none of us fit into what anyone normal would describe as a "normal" distribution, so why not? |
  | Of course, we never realized that everyone else (those people in the "normal" distribution) would have such a tough time understanding the name. |
  | Oh well, and so it goes... |
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